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  • Writer's picturedari3nos

Blog 1-Bringing to Fruition a Vision.

This is a project a long time coming. This is one of those things that for me has required a leap of faith. If you’ve read my “ About Me Page” you may or may not understand what I’m trying to do and that would make us the same 😊. I think essentially there are ideas in my head that need to be conveyed whether they be important knowledge, art that needs to be created, or just a space for my vapidness. Where do you find inspiration? What is inspiration? Can you make inspiration O’odham? The inspiration for this project comes from the vibe of a widely known book in our part of the world called “A Pima Remembers” by George Webb. In it the author chronicles O’odham life prior to the arrival of Spanish explorers and the change our tribe had to endure when white settlers also came. We live in an amazing time to be able to create and publish content and this is my attempt to do so with the same energy of “A Pima Remembers.”

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